Browse Collections (75 total)

Bergenfield History: 50th Anniversary

The Old Timers Say Pamphlet of Stories Front Cover.jpg

Items related to Bergenfield's 50th Anniversary celebration. This collection includes: newspaper clippings, listing of events, and official town…

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield.

Bergenfield Health Department

The Borough of Bergenfield Quarantine and Isolation Notice undated 1.jpg

Documents and images pertaining to the Bergenfield Health Department

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Fire Department

Holiday of Parade and Festivity Planned by Bergenfield Firemen, (newspaper clipping), July 1932.jpg

Documents and images related to the Bergenfield Fire Department

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1986

Bluegrass Band Will Perform at Art Show newspaper clipping Twin Boro News April 23 1986.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1986

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1985

Arts Council Holds Photography Contest newspaper clipping 1985.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1985

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1984

1 black and white photograph R Zimmerman BHS.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1984

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1983

Chamber Players at the Library newspaper clipping Nov 30 1983.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1983

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1982

New Group Formed for Local Artists newspaper clipping undated.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1982

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1981

Art Festival Held Despite Rain newspaper clipping 1981.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1981

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield

Bergenfield Council for the Arts--1980

Reception Planned for Local Artists Twin Boro News Nov 19 1980.jpg

Documents related to the Bergenfield Council for the Arts and its activities in 1980

Contributors: Borough of Bergenfield