Browse Items (26 total)

6 black and white photographs 8 x 10 VFW events and commemorations Undated 1.jpg
6 black and white photographs 8 x 10 VFW events and commemorations. Includes photos of Mayors Edward C. Meyer and Hugh M. Gillson

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor and council pcitured Councilman William J. Patternson Mayor Hugh M Gillson Borough Clerk H. Radford Beucler etc. 1961 1 of 3.jpg
1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor and council. Pictured are Councilman William J. Patterson, Mayor Hugh M Gillson, Borough Clerk H. Radford Beucler, etc

1 black and white photograph 8x10 mayor and council pictured mayor Hugh M Gillson Pal Drive Chairman Norman Bleshman Police Commissioner Harold Boyd Councilman John Aversa etc. 1960.jpg
1 black and white photograph 8x10 mayor and council. Pictured: Mayor Hugh M Gillson Pal Drive Chairman Norman Bleshman Police Commissioner Harold Boyd Councilman John Aversa etc. 1960

1 black and white photograph 8x10 mayor and council pictured Mayor Hugh M Gillson Pierce H Deamer H Radford Beucler and eight unidentified subjected January 1961 1 of 2.jpg
Mayor and council. Pictured: Mayor Hugh M Gillson, Pierce H Deamer, H Radford Beucler, and eight unidentified subjected January 1961

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor and council pictured Mayor Hugh M. Gillson Pierce H Deamer H Radford Beucler and six unidentified subjects January 1961.jpg
A photograph of the Mayor and Council, including Hugh M. Gillson, Pierce H. Deamer, and H. Radford Beucler

1 black and white photograph 8x10 mayor and council swearing in pictured Bernard Aschenbrand and Pierce H. Deamer January 1962.jpg
Mayor and council swearing in. Pictured: Bernard Aschenbrand, Hugh M. Gillson, H. Radford Beucler, and Pierce H. Deamer, as well as an unknown figure

1 color photograph 5x7 Mayor and Council pictured Councilman Edward Noeltner Councilman Edwin Harvey Councilman Robert Burghardt Councilman Walter Hanneman Councilman Harold Boyd etc 1962.jpg
1 color photograph 5x7 of Mayor and Council. Pictured: Councilman Edward Noeltner, Councilman Edwin Harvey, Councilman Robert Burghardt, Councilman Walter Hanneman, Councilman Harold Boyd

1 print (5.75 x 8.5) portrait of Mayor Hugh M. Gillson, Jan. 1, 1960.jpg
A portrait of Mayor Hugh M. Gillson

2 black and white photographs 8 x10 Mayor Hugh Gilson and Girl Scout representatives 1.jpg
2 black and white photographs of Mayor Hugh Gilson with representatives from the Girl Scouts.

1 black and white photograph 8 x10 Pancake Festival 1959.jpg
A black and white photograph at the 1959 Pancake Festival. Mayor Hugh M. Gilson is featured in the photo.
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