Browse Items (1227 total)

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor Meyer inaugurates Tag Day with Mrs. Robert Cousar Public Welfare Chairman of the Bergenfield Junior Woman's Club Nov. 17 1955.jpg
1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor Meyer inaugurates Tag Day with Mrs. Robert Cousar Public Welfare Chairman of the Bergenfield Junior Woman's Club Nov. 17

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor Edward Meyer swearing in with four unidentified subjects undated.jpg
1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor Edward Meyer swearing in with four unidentified individuals

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor Edward Meyer swearing in by Borough CLerk H. Radford Beucler Undated.jpg
A black and white photograph of Mayor Edward Meyer being sworn in by Borough Clerk H. Radford Beucler

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor Edward Meyer H. Radford Beucler and two unidentified subjects at Christmas event undated.jpg
A black and white photograph of Mayor Edward Meyer shaking hands with the former mayor, William J. Patterson. H. Radford Beucler is also pictured. Subjects at a Christmas event.

1 black and white photograph 8x10 mayor and council swearing in pictured six public officials undated.jpg
mayor and council swearing in. Pictures are Mayor Edward C. Meyer and 5 others.

1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor and Council swearing in pictured Mayor Edward Meyer and three public officials undated.jpg
1 black and white photograph 8x10 Mayor and Council swearing in. Pictured are Mayor Edward Meyer and three public officials

1 black and white photograph (8x10) Pierce Deamer presents award to member of Police Auxiliary undated.jpg
1 black and white photograph (8x10) Pierce Deamer presents award to member of Police Auxiliary

1 black and white photograph (8x10) Mayor Edward Meyer swearing in by Borough clerk H. Radford Beucler, undated.jpg
1 black and white photograph (8x10) Mayor William J. Patterson swearing in unknown individual

1 black and white photograph (8x10) Mayor Edward Meyer and West German students and workers who attended Council meeting as part of State Department sponsored exchange May 1954.jpg
1 black and white photograph (8x10) Mayor Edward Meyer and West German students and workers who attended Council meeting as part of State Department sponsored exchange

1 black and white photograph (8x10) installation of Senator Pierce H. Deamer, State house, Trenton, NJ pictured Richard Deamer, Sen. Pierce H. Deamer, Agnes Deamer, Mrs. Deamer, Allen Deam.jpg
1 black and white photograph (8x10) installation of State Senator Pierce H. Deamer, State house, Trenton, NJ

Pictured: Richard Deamer, Sen. Pierce H. Deamer, Agnes Deamer, Mrs. Deamer, Allen Deamer
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