Browse Items (87 total)

Slossar Daniel M Troop 180s Daniel Slossar Earns Eagle Scout Award twin boro news August 19 2000.jpg
A newspaper article about Daniel Slossar, a then senior at Bergenfield High School, receiving the Eagle Scout award, the Boy Scout's highest honor.

Swenson Eric Bergenfield educator novelist enjoys the best of both worlds October 15 2000 1.jpg
A newspaper article about a book signing held at the Bergenfield Public Library for Swenson's debut novel. The article also includes biographical information about Swenson.

Troster Lawrence Rabbi Finds Spirituality Amid Peaks and Glaciers twin boro news Sept 28 2001 1.jpg
A newspaper article about local rabbi Lawrence Troster and his trip to Alaska, exploring both his Jewish faith and environmentalism.

Van Valen Kenneth Meet some of your local heroes Kenneth Van Valen a man of dedication twin boro news July 5 2000 1.jpg
A newspaper article about Bergenfield resident Kenneth Van Valen, a dedicated citizen. The article includes biographical information about Van Valen.

Villone Ron Bergenfield Leftys Long Journey to Shea Stage April 9 2002 1.jpg
A newspaper article about baseball player Ron Villone, who was then the starting pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates versus the Mets at Shea Stadium.

Vogt Craig Vogt ready to Bear down in Bergenfield twin boro news August 20 2003 1.jpg
A newspaper article interview with Craig Vogt, who was then starting as the Bergenfield High School football coach. The article includes some biographical details and quotes about his coaching philosophy.

Waldherr Kris Former Bergenfield Woman Illustrates Bless the Beasts undated.jpg
A newspaper article about artist Kris Waldherr, a former Bergenfield resident and illustrator, whose work includes "The Goddess Tarot" and "Bless the Beasts". This article includes biographical information and details about her work.

Borough of Bergenfield Redbook courtesy of Chamber of Commerce Bergenfield NJ published 1977 1.jpg
Cover of the Bergenfield Redbook

Borough of Bergenfield Redbook courtesy of Chamber of Commerce Bergenfield NJ published 1977 2.jpg
A description of the purpose of the Bergenfield Redbook as well as a table of contents.

Borough of Bergenfield Redbook courtesy of Chamber of Commerce Bergenfield NJ published 1977 3.jpg
Pages 2 and 3 of the directory. Includes entries for Local Government and Board of Education
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