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A Role With Rhyme and Reason Teaneck Teacher Plays Dickinson newspaper clipping The Record Nov 22 1983 P1 top.jpg
Teaneck teacher Laurie Cohen portrays Emily Dickinson in "The Belle of Amherst" off-Broadway.

Belle of Amherst review starring Laurie Cohen newspaper clipping Star Ledger Nov 11 1983.jpg
Teaneck resident Laurie Cohen portrays Emily Dickinson in "The Belle of Amherst" off-Broadway.

Teacher Keeps Foot in the Stage Door newspaper clipping undated P1.jpg
Teaneck resident Laurie Cohen portrays Emily Dickinson in "The Belle of Amherst" off-Broadway.

The Belle of Amherst Stage Portrait of a Poet newspaper clipping The Record Nov 23 1983.jpg
Teaneck resident Laurie Cohen portrays Emily Dickinson in "The Belle of Amherst" off-Broadway.

1 black and white photograph 8 x 10 unnamed special event April 10 1962 1.jpg
A series of black and white photographs featuring many unknown individuals who put on a play or performance on April 10 1962. Includes photos of the actors rehearsing and posing in costume as well as photos of some of the audience, including Mary…
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