Browse Items (3 total)

In Charge of Tree Planting Monday Bergen Evening Record newspaper clipping Feb 20 1932.jpg
A newspaper clipping about an initiative to plant trees at the George Washington Bridge plaza. Includes a photograph of the committee supervising the program.

Bergenfield Public Library bank book for the Bergenfield National Bank and Trust Company P1.jpg
Bergenfield Public Library bank book for the Bergenfield National Bank and Trust Company

Hardcover copy of Trees by Joyce Kilmer inscription commemorating the George Washington Bicentennial Tree Planting Celebration Feb 22 1932 1.jpg
Scans of a hardcover copy of Trees by Joyce Kilmer, which includes an inscription commemorating the George Washington Bicentennial Tree Planting Celebration on February 22 1932. It includes the names of many members of the Bergenfield Garden Club
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