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Swenson Eric Bergenfield educator novelist enjoys the best of both worlds October 15 2000 1.jpg
A newspaper article about a book signing held at the Bergenfield Public Library for Swenson's debut novel. The article also includes biographical information about Swenson.

Orsini Joseph Retired Priest Finds Second Calling in Kitchen twin boro news November 22 2000.jpg
A newspaper article about a retired priest named Joseph Orsini and the release of his cookbook "Italian Family Cooking." The Bergenfield Library held a launch event for the release of the book.

Dworkin Susan Noted Bergenfield author to discuss her new book March 15 2000.jpg
Newspaper clipping about Susan Dworkin, a Bergenfield resident and author, hosting an event to promote her book "The Nazi Officer's Wife" at the Bergenfield Public Library. Includes details about the event and the contents of the book.

Levine Suzanne Braun Author will discuss Father Courage at Bergenfield library May 24 2000.jpg
A newspaper clipping advertising a fundraising event at the Bergenfield Public Library, where the author Suzanne Braun Levine was promoting her new book "Father Courage: What Happens When Men Put Family First"

1 black and white photograph Mary Higgins Clark author of A Stranger is Watching undated.jpg
A black and white author photo of Mary Higgins Clark, a long-time New Jersey resident. Currently unknown why this photo is in the library's collection.

1 black and white photograph Jay Anson undated.jpg
A black and white photograph of Jay Anson, author most famously known for the Amityville Horror. Currently unknown why this photo was kept in the library's records.
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